Nov 17, 2012

ODBC Connection problems

Visual objects applications connect to other databases like SQL through an ODBC connection.  The default connection is made on version 10.  Later versions of SQL server installs version 11, which might cause the default connection to fail.  Version 10 is linked to SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012 links to a default ODBC of version 11.  Upgraing is not a problem as Version 10 will be retained, but uninstalling the older version might result in unexpected connection problems from VO apps that require ODBC connection to SQL.

The installed drivers can be seen on the Control Panel | Data Sources (ODBC) interface.


If required, this can be corrected by downloading the correct version of SQL Server Native Client, which is free.  The download linked to SQL Server 2008 is normally the correct version 10 and the required file is: sqlncli.msi and can be installed if required.

Applications that allow the selection of the ODBC Provider can select this as indicated below.

